"What our children see in the world
depends on what we show them."
WHCU, Ithaca NY 1970s Saturday radio program
NPR's On the Media offers similar programming in 2018.
Arnold Collection divisions:
About the Collection curator (Jeff Diver):
- Starting out in Middletown NY 1946-1964
- Notable Experiences: Beech Mountain Boy Scout Camp
- Employment 1960-1969: Port Fortune, Chatham MA, Mongaup Pond Campsite, Livingston Manor, NY
- Places of interest: David's Folly, Mohonk, One Library Place
Other Sites Curated by Jeff:
Hear Here: Environmental Politics
Imaginary Gardens of Blue
Imaginary Gardens of Red
Imaginary Gardens of white
Imaginary Gardens of Yellow
Our Victorian Companions
Short Shots from the Imaginary Garden
The Best Arnold Cards
Victorian Fashions
Victorians' Hairstyles
Victorians in Hats
𝓦elcome to an unconventional index! Company names are indexed as they appeared on the advertising (also known as "trade") cards. A company such as "A.J. Muzzy & Co." will be indexed under that name, and sometimes also under "Muzzy, A. J. & Co." Shaded links lead to sites outside of the Earl J. Arnold Advertising Card Collection
Wretched Poet's
1 Library Place [blog post]Wretched Poet's
gonna pout
Soon's he finds
He's been
left out!
7 Sutherland sisters -- page 164
1876 Centennial Exposition -- Remedy From Mica Lane
1880 Pharmaceutical Exhibition at Saratoga -- page 37
1883 Connecticut State Fair -- page 152
1887 Burdock Blood Bitters Almanac -- page 36
1904 Columbia Electric Car -- page 45
2015 sewing machine reviews -- page 190 (comments)
A.E. Jeaneret -- page 113
page 71 |
A. G. Bassett -- page 41
A.H. & E.W. Abbe -- page 58
A.H. Putt -- page 65
A.H. Taylor -- page 168
A.J. Muzzy & Co. -- pages 10, 15, 71
A.L. Collamer -- page 22
A.M. Daniels -- page 77
A.S.T.Co. -- see American Shoe Tip Company
A.W. Coates & Co. -- page 93
A Moment for Reading and Reflection -- Appendix I
Abbe, A. Howard -- page 58
Abbey, E.C., M. D. -- page 80
Abel, Wm H. & Co. -- page 54
Abescon Light -- page 145
Abraham Cadden Clothing -- page 152
achievement award -- pages 32
Acme Soap -- page 16
Action Piano Co. -- page 13
page 48 |
Adams, William Taylor -- page 42
Adamstown PA -- page 186
Addenda to the Arnold Collection -- page 195
Additional information -- the basics
Adelaide Phillips -- page 153
Adjustable Duplex Corsets -- page 2
advertising -- pages 19, 41, 42, 48, 87
advertising trade cards, the basics pt.1
Albany NY -- page 42
Alexander Emery -- page 28
Allaire (The) -- page 102
Alliance OH -- page 93
Allis, F. H. & Co. -- pages 40, 78, 79
Allyn & Blanchard -- pages 61, 123
Allyn, Blanchard & Latimer -- pages 61, 123
Alvord, B.T. -- page 132
Alvord, Flora -- page 88
American Extra Soap -- page 2
American Machine Co. -- page 89
American Medical Association -- page 36
American News Company -- page 121
American Puzzle Cards -- page 140
American Shoe Tip Co. -- pages 28, 43, 48
American System of Manufacture -- pages 119
American Thread Company -- page 78
Amesbury MA -- page 131
Amity PA -- Appendix 1
Amsterdam NY -- pages 22, 47, 83, 173
Anderson, Mary -- page 17
Andover CT -- Best Of
page 173 |
apothecaries, drug stores & marketing: illustrations & portraits -- page 12
Appendix 1 (Arnold Collection) -- intro
Archibald's Extra Flour -- page 88
Armington, Myers & Co. -- page 56
Armour & Company -- page 191
Arnold Collection origin -- page xv
Arnold, Earl J. -- pages 59 [One Library Place]
Arnold, Grace -- pages 47
Arnold, Ray -- pages 166
Arnold, Robert Earle -- pages 107, 162
Arnold, Walter -- pages 32, 180
Arthur D. Budd -- page 53
As You Like It -- page 19
Askaroff, Alex -- page 67
At Random (Appendix I)
Athens GA -- Appendix 1
Atherton, Alice -- page 17
Atlantic City NJ -- page 145
Attleton, Henry A. -- page 104
Auburn NY -- page 20
August Flower -- page 173
Austen's Forest Flower Cologne -- page 65
Austin, Nichols & Co. -- page 141
Ayer, James Cook -- page 29
Ayer's American Almanac (1884, inc.) -- pages 29, 95
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral -- page 95
Ayer's Sarsaparilla -- pages 29, 95
B.F. Arthur & Co. -- page 106
B.T. Alvord -- page 132
B.T. Babbitt's Best Soap -- At Random (Appendix I)
Babbitt, Benjamin T. -- At Random (Appendix I)
babies--images of babies, young ladies, etc. -- page 167
Bailey, Seldon A. (patent) -- page 63
page 83 |
Bailey Washing and Wringing Machine -- page 63
bakeries -- pages 163
baking, chemistry of -- page 171
baking powder -- page 171
balderdash -- page 134
Ballad of Lydia Pinkham -- page 93
Ballantyne, John -- Appendix I
Ballerstein, R. & Co. -- pages 24, 68
Baltimore MD -- pages 28, 62, 81, 83, 129
Bangor, ME -- page 159
Barber, P.S., Pure Soaps -- page 55
Barbour, T.F. & Co. -- pages 71, 95, 132
Barnes, Albert, Rev. -- page 91
Barnes, Elliott -- pages 100, 101, 134
page 83 |
Bartholomew, Mrs. W. -- pages 17, 36
Bartlett, H.A. -- page 81
Bassett, Albert G. -- page 41
Batcheller, George C. & Co. -- page 184
Battle Hymn of the Republic -- page 100
Beacon NY -- page 25
Beatty, Daniel F. -- page 3
Beatty's Pianofortes & Organs -- page 3
Beanstalk -- page 137
(The) Bee Hive -- Best Of
Beecher, Henry Ward -- pages 84, 91
Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward -- page 84
Bellbrook OH -- page 93
Bellows, Rev. Dr. Henry W. -- page 84
Berry, Mrs. Percy W. -- Appendix 1
Best, Mrs. Lizzie W. -- Appendix 1
Best of the Arnold Cards
(The) Best Arnold Cards (Flickr)
Betsy Ross homested -- page 184
beverages -- pages 187, 194
bible verses -- pages 184
bicycles -- pages 29, 156
bilious colic -- Appendix 1
Billings, Clapp & Co.
Billy in Bunbury -- page 72
Biodiversity Heritage Library -- pages 130, 137
bioethics -- page 128
birds -- pages 185, 191
"Shadows on Summer St." page 50 |
Bisket & Meech -- page 7
Bixby, S. M. & Co. -- page 42
Block Island Southeast Light -- page 144
"Blood Will Tell" -- page 7
Bluebeard, The Story of -- page 123
Bochee's German Syrup -- page 173
Boell, William -- page 49
Bollman Hat Co. -- page 186
Booth, S. & Son -- page 140
Borden, Col. Richard -- page 67
Bortree Manufacturing Co. -- page 2
Boss watch cases -- pages 112, 113, 114
Boss, James -- page 113
Boston Light -- page 144
Boston MA -- pages 6, 7, 28, 29, 30, 32, 37, 39, 42, 43, 48, 50, 64, 65, 79, 80, 82, 84, 89, 113, 120, 121, 124, 125, 130, 135, 140, 141, 144, 153, 164, 168, 181, 189, Eureka!,
Boston Branch Shoe Store -- pages 42, 53
Boston Harbor Light -- page 144
Bovril -- page 107
Boyd, J.C. -- page 129
Bradstreet's Block -- page 143
Brady, Mathew -- page 90
Brainard, W.F. -- pages 3, 45, 59
Branscombe, Maude -- page 153
Brattleboro VT -- page 183
breadmaking, history of -- page 171
Breck, Joseph & Sons -- page 130
Brenton Reef Light Vessel -- page 144
Bridgeport CT -- pages 15, 17, 67, 184
Boston by Streetcar 1903
Bridgers, Mrs. John -- Appendix 1
Brigham, Paul (several aliases) -- page 108
Bright Side of Life in Libby Prison (The) -- page 100
Bristol Bazaar -- page 13
Bristol CT -- pages 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 31, 36, 45, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 76, 80, 85, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 102, 112, 113, 114, 115, 126, 132, 150, 154, 155, 156, 157, 166, 171, 176, 181, 183, 189, 191, 194
page 29 |
Bristol Steam Mill -- page 88
Broadalbin NY -- page 162
Brocton MA -- page 181
Brooklyn Bridge -- pages 44, 72
Brooklyn NY -- pages 29, 31, 39, 44, 49, 72, 81, 88, 108, 132, 141, 145, 149, 163, 186
>>View PDF of Lavine Picture Book
Brooklyn Steam Carpet Cleaning Works -- page 88
Brooksburg IN -- Appendix I
Brown Chemical Co. -- pages 62, 81, 83, 121, 129
Brown, David S. & Co. -- page 83
Brown, Robert Capadura -- page 96
Brown's Grocery House -- pages 1, 10
Brown's Iron Bitters (Brown Chemical Co.) -- pages 62, 83, 121, 129
Browning, Ross C. -- page 84
"(A) Brush on the Brighton Road" -- page 7
Buchtel City Restaurant -- page 60
Buchtel OH -- page 60
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers -- page 54
Budd, Arthur D. -- page 53
Buffalo NY -- pages 8, 16, 36, 69, 80, 116, 141, 166, 192, 193
Buffalo Last Works -- page 80
Buchtel OH page 60 |
Bulkeley, Wm. H. -- page 102
Burch Family Tree -- page xii
Burdock Blood Bitters -- page 36
Burke, J.A. -- page 68
Burlington VT -- pages 59, 152
Burnett's Cocoaine -- page 164
Burnside & Marshall -- page 89
Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. -- page 129
Burt, Edwin C. & Co. -- pages 29, 150, 171
Bussing, J.W. -- page 22
Butler, Burton N. -- page 96
Button's Raven Gloss Shoe Dressing (Button & Ottley, Manufacturers) -- pages 5, 6, 129
page 107 |
C.H. Wightman -- page 88
C.I. Hood & Co. -- pages 21, 86
C.T. Raynolds & Co. -- page 109
Cadden, Abr Clothing -- pages 106, 152
calendar art -- page 165
Cambridge MA -- page 150
Campbell, Bartley -- page 37
Canal Dover OH -- page 65
Candia NH -- page 54
Canton MA -- pages 74, 75, 87, Eureka!
page 8 |
Capadura cigars -- page 96
page 93 |
Carle, John J. & Sons -- page 26
Carpenter, Joseph Edwards -- page 122
carpets -- pages 163
Carqueville, Edward -- page 17
Carrie Gilmore -- page 132
Carroll, M.H. -- page 68
Carter's Little Liver Pills -- pages 107, 128
Carter Medicine Co. -- pages 107, 128
Castile Soap -- page 2
Castoria -- page 76
catarrh -- pages 140, Appendix 1
cats -- pages 166, 167, 169, 174, 175, 179
"Caught in the Storm in Olden Time" -- page 7
Celluloid Waterproof Collars Cuffs & Shirt Bosoms -- pages 30, 68, 69
celluloid eye glasses -- page 129
Central House Sample Rooms -- page 17
Chadborn & Coldwell Mfg. Co. -- page 58
Chaplain McCabe -- page 100
Charles C. Yund's Clothing House -- page 83
page 29 |
Charter Oak Soap -- page 18
Chenery Manufacturing Co. -- page 2
Chesebrough Manufacturing Co. -- page 81
Chester MA -- page 83
Chicago IL -- pages 17, 82, 109, 122, 185, 191, Eureka!
Chief Soap -- page 166
Chief, the long-tailed pony -- page 93
children -- pages 179, 183, 187, 191
children's fashions -- Remedy From Mica Lane
Chinese Historical Society of America -- page 175
Christmas -- pages 174, 176
Church of Saint Paul the Apostle -- page 55
Cibils bouillon -- page 189
Civil War -- page 100
Clark, H. A. Boot & Shoe Store -- page 181
Clark's Thread Co. -- pages 6, 15, 25, 40, 72, 89, 174
Clark's O.N.T. (Our New Thread) -- pages 6, 15, 25, 40, 72, 174
Clarke, William E. -- page 107
Clay, Cosack & Co. -- page 193
Claxton, Kate -- page 17
Cleveland OH -- pages 21, 47, 73, 91, 110, 119, 159, 190, 195
Clinton Brothers & Co. -- page 149
Clintonville CT -- page 149
clothiers -- page 152, 163, 188, 189
Coates, A. W. & Co. -- page 93
Coats & Clark Thread -- pages 15, 40, 72, 174
Coats, J. and P. -- pages 40, 78, 89, 174
Coats PLC -- page 89
Coldwell Lawn Mowers -- page58
Coleman, W.T. & Co. -- page 52
Collamer, A.L. -- page 22
Collins Centre NY -- page 128
Collinsville, CT -- page 25
cologne -- pages 65, 188, 191
Color Explosion, The -- page 58
Columbia Bicycle -- page 29
page 52 |
Combination Shaving Toilet -- page 62
Comedy of Errors -- page 59
(The) Comical Cruises of Captain Cooky -- page 72
"Coming Home" -- page 6
comments -- pages 4, 190
Comstock, William Henry -- page 93
Comstock's Dead Shot Worm Pellets -- pages 93, 116
Concentrated Feed Company -- page 140
Concord NH -- Appendix 1
Concord Range (The) -- page 22
confectioners -- pages 163
Shaded links lead to sites outside of the Earl J. Arnold Advertising Card Collection.
Connecticut Boot & Shoe Co. -- pages 25, 27, 43, 87
Connecticut State Fair, 1883 -- page 152
Cook, E. H. -- Best Of
Cook, Henry B. -- pages 5, 49, 150, 156, 157, 174
page 18 |
corsets -- pages 2, 17, 166, 184
Corthell, D.M. -- pages 3, 42, 53
cough drops -- pages 192
Cousin John's Extravagant Wife
Cox, W. G. -- page 56
Cragin, I. L. & Co. -- page 19
Croton Flour Mills -- page 55
cultural transmission -- page 175
Curtis Davis & Co. -- page 23
Curtis I. Bates -- page 128
Cutavaco -- page 80
(The) Cute Couple
Czar Baking Powder -- pages 3, 28
D.M. Ferry & Co. -- pages 99, 136, 137
D. Temple & Co. -- pages 142, 143
D.W. Williams & Co. -- page 18
Daily Terror -- page 122
Dallas PA -- Appendix 1
Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor -- page 93
Daniel F. Beatty -- page 3
Daniels, A. M. -- page 77
Daniels Manufacturing Co. -- page 77
Dark Brahma Fowls -- page 193
David S. Brown & Co. -- page 83
page 182 |
Davis, Perry & Son -- page 85
Davis Sewing Machine Co. -- pages 53, 66
daydreams -- page 182
Dayton OH -- page 66
De Morgan, Augustus -- page 91
Deacon Crankett -- page 127
the demise of S.R. Hart -- page 97
Demorest, Ellen Louise -- page 102
Demorest, Wm. Jennings -- page 102
Demorest's Family Magazine, Feb 1899 (download only)
Demorest's Monthly -- page 33
Demorest Pattern Co. Inc. -- pages 11, 33, 83, 102
Dennis, W. B. -- page 52
dentists -- pages 152, 163
Detroit MI -- pages 80, 86, 98, 99, 131, 136, 137
Detroit Stove Works -- page 80
Diamond Dyes -- page 59, Victorian Fashion
Diatoms of Bristol -- page 113
Dick, Dundas -- page 6
die cuts -- pages 31, 36
diseases of women -- Appendix 1
Diver, DeForest -- page 113
Diver, Jeffrey Arnold -- [about] [posts] [Growing up in Middletown 1946-1964]
Diver's derivative street views -- pages 50,
Dix, E.B. -- page 173
Dobbins Electric Soap -- page 19
Doc Pierce's restaurant -- Appendix 1
Dole & Merrill Mfrs. -- page 89
Domestic Sewing Machine Co. -- pages 38, 106, 112
Donaldson Brothers -- page 75
➽Donate to expand the Arnold Collections!
dogs -- pages 173, 178, 184, 185
page 173 |
Double Thread Sewing Co. (The) -- page 50
Dover NH -- pages 13, 52
Dr. C.C. Moore -- pages 100, 128
Dr. Jayne's patent medicines -- Appendix I
Dr. McDougald's Drug Store -- page 12
Dr. Melville -- page 106
Dr. Mettaur's Headache Pills -- page 81
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills -- page 107, 116
Dr. Perrin's Medicated Cubeb Cigarettes for Catarrh, &c. -- page 140
Dr. Pierce's Anodyne Pile Ointment -- Appendix 1
Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed -- Appendix 1
page 31 |
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery -- pages 177, Appendix 1
Dr. Pierce's Kidney and Backache Tablets -- Appendix 1
Dr. Pierce's Neighborhood Gossip & Dream Book -- Appendix I
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets -- Appendix 1
Dr. Ridge's Food -- page 104
Dr. Robert's Cough Syrup -- page 105
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy -- Appendix 1
Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam -- pages 107, 177
Dr. Seth Arnold Medical Corporation -- pages 26, 107, 177
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil -- page 36
Dr. W.E. Snyder -- page 11
Dr. W.H. Morris -- page 163
Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets -- page 17
dreams -- Appendix 1
dress patterns -- pages 33
Dry Tonic Bitters -- page 54
Dubé, Brian -- page 91
Dubuque IA -- page 56
Duluth MN -- page 195
Duluth Imperial Flour Co. -- page 195
Duluth Superior Milling Co. -- page 195
Dundas Dick & Co. -- page 6
Dundas MN -- page 88
Dunham's Concentrated Cocoanut -- page 116
Dunlap & Co. -- page 186
Dunlap, Robert -- page 186
Dwight, Wm. A. -- pages 112, 129
dyeing -- page 59, Victorian Fashion
dyspepsia -- pages 40, 194
E. Hartshorn & Sons -- page 187
E.B. Dix -- page 173
E.C. Abbey M.D. -- page 80
E.F. Judson & Co. -- pages 31, 54, 68, 85
E.I. Clapp's -- page 140
E. Habenstein's Elite Restaurant -- page 116
E. Hartshorn & Sons -- page 187
E.M. Lusk -- page 16
E.M. Rose -- page 8
E.P.Woodward, M.D. -- page 102
E.S. Wells -- page 175
E.W. Hoyt -- pages 65, 188, 191
East Providence Historical Society -- pages 150, 194
East Rochester NY -- page 192
Easton PA -- page 42
Eastwood, A. D. -- page 76
Ebers, A. -- page 70
Eckstein & Hoffmann -- page 114
Eclipse Wringer -- page 14
Edinburgh Printers -- page 44
Eddystone Lighthouse -- page 5
Edwin C. Burt & Co. -- pages 29, 150, 171
Edwin P. Marshall -- page 152
Ehrichs -- page 55
Elijah Morse -- pages 74, 87
Page 18 |
Elkhart Starch Co. -- page 104
Elliott W. Barnes' "The Girl That I Love" -- page 101
Elrod NC -- Appendix 1
Emery, Alexander -- page 28
Emma Jane's Favorite Victorian Fashions
see also Victorian Fashions on Flickr
Emmett Brothers -- pages 38, 46, 105
Empire Wringer Co. -- page 20
Enoch Morgan's Sons Co. -- pages 69, 109
Engle, Stephen Clock -- page 31
English, John & Co. -- page 37
Estey Organ Co. -- page 183
Eureka Silk Thread Manufacturing Co. -- Eureka! (Appendix I)
Excelsior Bench Wringer -- page 63
Excelsior Eclectric Oil -- page 36
Excelsior Lawn Mower -- page 58
Excelsior Metal Polish -- page 32
Extra Pale Soap -- page 2
Two associated sites of interest were added in 2017. Hey Victorian Kids! What Did You Do? briefly looks at the pursuits of children portrayed in the Victorian trade cards of the Arnold Collection. The Arnold Galleries site features individual trade cards by subject category with slide shows.
F.O. Pierce & Co. -- page 54
Faed, Thomas -- Appendix I
Fall River MA -- page 3
Fallon, Bernard H. -- page 72
family tree - Burch -- page xii
Farmer, Livermore & Co. -- page 163
Farmington State Normal & Training School -- page 180
fashion -- pages 159, 161, 167, 168, 172, 178, 179, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191
Fashions, Emma Jane's Favorite Victorian
Favorite Dishes in Famous Homes (in Recipes of the Victorian Era Collection)
page 12 |
Feckenham, Great Britain -- page 37
female weakness -- Appendix 1
Fergus Falls MN
Ferry, D. M. & Co. -- pages 98, 99, 136, 137
Fessenden Lambert & Tower -- page 89
Find a Grave -- page 65
Fire Island Light -- page 144
Fire Island NY -- page 144
fire suppression
"First Attempt" -- page 7
Fish Brothers & Co. -- page 86
Fischer Piano -- page 192
Fishkill-On-Hudson NY -- page 25
Fisk Manufacturing Co. -- page 2
Fitzpatrick, Martin D. -- page 52
page 18 |
Fletcher's Castoria -- page 76
Floreston Cologne -- pages 65, 85
Florida Water -- page 32
Flower City Soap Co. -- page 56
flowers -- pages 176, 181, 184
Fontaine & Reeves -- page 7
Forbes' Drug Store -- page 12
Forestville CT -- pages 12, 103
Forestville Drug Store -- pages 12, 103
Foss OK -- Appendix 1
Foster Milburn & Co. -- page 36
France & Hershey -- At Random (Appendix I)
Francois, J. D. -- page 128
Frank Miller and Sons -- pages 82, 114
Frank W. Upson -- page 114
Franklin, Aretha -- page 18
Franklin J. Smith - page 25
Freeman, S.I. -- page 56
Freeman's One-Price Clothing Bazar -- pages 50, 56, 106
French, D., photographer -- page 53
frogs -- page 30
"Furniture Dealer & Undertaker" -- page 162
G.H. & J.H. Hale -- page 4
G.H. Hill & Co. -- page 69
G.H. Waters -- page 62
G.H. Wood & Co. -- page 42
Gabel & Frisby Co., spice mills -- page 195
(The) Gale Spring-Tooth Sulky Harrow & Seeder -- page 131
Games! -- page 137
Ganung & Elmore's -- page 114
Garden Stories --page 137
garden urns -- page 4 (comments)
Garfield, James A., President -- pages 90
Garfield, Cabinet of -- page 90
Garland Stoves & Ranges -- pages 84, 86
Garland TX -- page 186
Garrett IN -- Appendix 1
Garrett, Mrs. Charles -- Appendix 1
Gastrine -- pages 40
Gastrine Manufacturing Co. -- pages 40, 119
Gemmill, Burnham & Co. -- page 152
German Corn Remover -- page 106
Geo. F. Talbot -- page 140
George C. Batcheller & Co. -- page 184
George G. Green -- page 173
George D. Harter Bank -- At Random (Appendix I)
George V. Hecker & Co. -- page 55
page 80 |
Georgia USA -- page 12
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins -- pages 23
Gilmore, Carrie -- page 132
Girard, Kate -- page 153
(The) Girl That I Love -- page 100
Glastonbury CT -- page 18
Glenny, W.H. & Co. -- page 116
Globe Pills -- page 103
Gloucester MA -- page 46
Godard, M. R. -- page 104
Godfrey, J.A. & Co. -- page 178
"(A) Good Turnout on Brighton Road" -- page 7
Goodenough, Charles R. -- page 96
Google Earth -- page 162
Google Street View, historical how-to -- page 191
Goudy, Tom -- page 168
Gould's Fine Shoes -- page 140
"glove-fitting" corsets -- page 166
Grace, Philip Jr. -- page 80
Grand Duchess Cologne -- page 28
Grant & Besse Clothiers-- page 180
graphophone phonograph, EAGLE -- page 7
Gray, Mrs. Morna -- Appendix 1
Great Neck NY -- page 144
Great New England Shoe House -- page 9
Great Sacandaga Lake -- page 162
Great Suspension Bridge -- page 72
Green, G.G. -- page 173
Greenville (or "Greeneville") CT -- page 7
Griffin, Jessica -- page 86
Gwillim, T.I. -- pages 95, 115
H & C Koevoets -- page 140
H. & D. Wells -- page 114
H. & L.G. Merrick -- page 88
page 24 |
H. A. Clark's Cash Boot and Shoe Store -- page 181
H.B Cook shoes -- pages 5, 49, 150, 156, 157, 171, 174
H.C. Robinson & Co. -- page 37
H.H. Gray's Son -- page 151
H.H. Stoddard's Poultry World -- page 193
H.K.H. Silk Company -- Eureka!
H.R. Skinner -- page 61
H.R. Stevens -- page 39
Habberton, John -- page 127
Habenstein, E., Elite Restaurant -- page 116
Hackensack NJ -- page 186
Hahne & Co. -- page 111
"Hailing the Ferryman" -- page 16
hairstyles -- pages 2, 152, 154, 164, 165, 166
hairstyles -- Victorians' Hairstyles on Flickr
Hall, John Hancock -- page 90
Hall, R.P. & Co. -- Victorian Hairstyles, page 54
Hallet & Davis pianos -- page 168
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer -- Victorian Hairstyles, page 54
Hammond's Paint and Slug Shot Works -- page 25
Hannaford, Chas. C. -- Appendix 1
Hardenbergh & Co. -- page 163
hardpan prices -- pages 194
Harris Beebe & Co. -- page 22
Harris, William H. -- pages 14, 20, 94
Hart, S.R. -- page 80
Hart, W.L. -- page 62
Hartford Chemical Co. (aka Works) -- pages 29, 56, 57
Hartford CT -- pages 1, 8, 10, 11, 21, 24, 29, 38, 45, 50, 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 68, 77, 87, 90, 92, 102, 104, 106, 111, 116, 123, 152, 160, 171, 173, 185, 187, 191, 193
Hartford One-Price Clothing company -- page185
Hartford Sewing Machines -- pages 45, 111
Hartford Soldiers' & Sailors' monument -- page 191
page 107 |
Hartshorn, S. -- page 148
Hartshorn' Shade Rollers -- page 148
Hartshorn's Cough Balsam -- page 187
Hats, Victorians in Hats on Flickr
Hat Corporation of America -- page 186
Hatco -- page 186
hats & hatters -- pages 2, 178, 179, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191
Hauck, Minnie -- page 153
Haverhill MA -- Appendix 1
Hecker, George V. & Co. -- page 55
Hecker's Perfect Baking Powder -- pages 54, 55
Helen's Babies -- page 127
Helmbold's Drug Store -- page 12
Hemenway, John Francis -- page 20
Henry A. Attleton -- page 104
Henry B. Cook -- page 5
Higgins German Laundry Soap -- pages 38, 39, 108, 121
Higgins Soap Company -- pages 38, 39, 108, 121
Highland Foundry Co. -- page 153
Slideshow of contents! |
"highwheeler" type bicycles -- page 29
Hill, G.H. & Co. -- page 69
Hiscox & Co. -- pages 65, 85, 107
Hodges, L.S. -- pages 15, 27, 77
Hoefner's Chief Soap -- page 166
Holly Folders -- page 157
Holway, Wright & Miner -- page 32
Holyoke MA -- page 106
Hood's Sarsaparilla -- page 86
Hood's Tooth Powder -- page 21
Home Sewing Machine -- page 107
>>Slideshow of Horseford Almanac 1886 contents
Horseshoer -- page 182
Horsford, Eben N. - pages 150, 171
Horsfords Acid Phosphate -- pages 129, 150, 194
Horseford's Almanac & Cookbook -- page 150
Horsford's Baking Powder -- page 171
Horsford's (Prof.) Bread Preparation page 133
Hounshell, David -- page 90
House of Industry & Home for the Friendless -- page 55
house painting -- page 54
house tours -- Webber/Kinzler
House that Jack Built (This is the) -- pages 18, 30
Household Sewing Machine Co. -- pages 8, 66, 67
Howard, Abbe A. -- page 58
Howard Arms -- page 89
Hoyt, E. W. & Co. -- pages 65, 188, 191
Hoyt, Robert -- page 5
Hoyt, W.A. & Co. -- pages 65, 191
page 58 |
Hoyt's New Floral Cologne -- page 65
Hub Stove -- page 80
Hubbard, Minnie H. -- page 180
Hubbard & Norton -- pages 29, 82
Hubble, Ray Patent Metal Corners -- page 85
Hudson River Day Line -- page 5
humor in advertising -- page 122
humors or humours -- page 177
Hunt, William H. -- page 90
Hunt's Remedy -- page 107
Hurlebaus's Drug Store -- page 12
ice skate, how to -- page 7
iceboating -- page 7
I.L. Cragin & Co. -- page 19
Ilion NY -- page 66
Illinois State University -- page 86
Imaginary Gardens of Blue (Flickr)
Imaginary Gardens of Red (Flickr)
Imaginary Gardens of White (Flickr)
Imaginary Gardens of Yellow (Flickr)
Imperial Diamond needles -- page 37
Imperial Granum Co. -- page 26
"In the Shadow of Old Main" -- page 86
Institute Library (The) -- page 53
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute -- Appendix 1
Ira Perego Patent Bosom Shirts (etc.) -- page 148
Ives, O. B. -- pages 112, 114
J.A. Burke -- page 68
page 22 |
J.A. Godfrey & Co. -- page 178
J.A. Lowell & Co. -- page 120
J.A. Pozzoni's complexion powder -- page 158
J.B. Williams Co. -- page 18
J.D. Larkin & Co. -- page 141
J.E. Murray & Co. -- page 149
J.H. Bufford & Co. -- page 7
J.H. Dudley & Co. -- page 79
J.H. Johnston -- page 50
J.H. Otis -- page 59
J.M. Littell & Co. -- page 105
J.O. Whitehouse -- page 49
J.O. Wolslayer -- page 42
J.R. Mitchell & Son -- pages 55, 95, 189, 191
J.T. Lovett -- page 4
J.W. Skelly -- page 93
Jackson MI -- page 2
James Marden & Co. -- page 68
James Prior -- page 95
James Pyles Pearline -- Best of, Victorian Companions
James, Thomas L. -- page 90
Janesville WI -- page 84
Japanese Soap -- page 2
Japine Washing Powder -- page 2
Jeaneret, A.E. -- page 113
Jefts & Parker -- Trade Card Mysteries
Jersey City NJ -- pages 78, 175
jewelry -- pages 114, 154, 183
Jim Tyler -- page 13
John Carle & Sons -- page 26
John E. Ward -- page 14
John English & Co. -- page 37
John H. Bufford & Co. -- pages 6, 7
John Habberton -- page 127
John J. Carle -- page 26
John L. Whiting & Sons -- page 135
John Mundell & Co. -- page 48
John Paret & Co. -- page 31
John W. Quinn -- page 14
Johnson, Clark & Co. -- pages 66, 107
Johnson & Kaiser -- page 61
Johnson's New Illustrated (Steel Plate) Family Atlas -- page 84
Johnston, J.H. -- page 50
Johnston's Fluid Beef (Bovril) -- page 107
Johnstown NY-- page 151
Jones, M.C. -- page 25
Joseph Breck & Sons -- page 130
Joseph L. Joyce & Co. -- page 115
Joseph W. Smith & Co. -- pages 79, 84
Judd, Wm. H. -- page 112
Judson, E.F. & Co. -- pages 31, 54, 68, 85
Jumbo -- pages 40, 78, 79
You may also wish to look at my Photographers Street View blog, where a post features a Victorian home with a sad story, while another discusses the geology of the Mohawk Valley region of New York and yet a third explores the architecture of Philadelphia PA. Flood control and sea level rise are discussed while your guide gets lost (as usual) in the neighborhoods of Arles, France. (What fun is it anyway if your guide knows where they're going?!)
Kellogg & Bulkeley Co. -- page 92
Kendall, Ezra -- page 100
page 115 |
Kerr & Co. -- pages 3, 78
Kerr's Extra Six Cord Spool Cotton -- page 3
Ketterlinus Lithographic Manufacturing Co. -- page 172
Kettle, F.L. -- Appendix 1
Keystone Watch Case Co. -- pages 112, 114
Kinsler, Don & Mary (Victorian Discoveries)
Kirkwood, Samuel J. -- page 90
Klem, Mrs. Peter -- Appendix 1
Knight, Daniel Ridgway -- page 16
knitting machinery -- page 54
knives -- page 156
L. Roberts (aka Lee) -- pages 154, 183L. Roscher -- page 64
L.D. Fleming & Co. -- pages 16, 163
L.S. Hodges -- pages 15, 27, 77
Laconia NH -- page 54
Lady Jane's Recit & Aria -- page 160
Ladies Blacking (The) -- page 42
Ladies Coffee and Lunch Room -- page 128
Langlois, Richard N. -- page 90
Langtry, Lily -- pages 83, 152
Lanman & Kemp -- page 32
Lanman & Kemp-Barclay & Co., Inc. -- page 32
Larkin, J.D. & Co. -- page 14
page 144 |
Lauer, Mrs. C.E. -- Appendix 1
Lautz Brothers & Co. -- page 16
La Vergne TN -- page 169
Lavine Soap -- pages 29, 56, 57, 146
Lawrence MA -- page 140
Leadbeater's Drug Warehouse -- page 12
Leavitt & Brant -- page 113
Lee Roberts Jewelry -- page 183
Lewando's French Dye House -- page 121
Libby Prison -- page 100
LibreVox oral readings -- pages 23
lighthouses -- pages 144, 145
Lily Langtry -- page 152
Lin, Jeremy -- page 30
Lincoln, Robert Todd -- page 90
Lincoln, Seyms & Co. -- page 61
Lion Coffee -- Appendix I see also: #ArnoldsLions
Liszt, Franz -- page 185
Litchfield CT -- page 114
Lithography -- pages 44, 170
H. McAllaster & Co.
(The) Little Gingerbread Man -- page 72
page 11 |
"Little Sarah" -- page 22
Little Silver NJ -- page 4
livery stable auction -- page 7
Lockport NY -- page 131
Loomis, Albert C. -- page 96
Loring & Blake Organ Company -- page 13
Lothrops & Pinkham -- page 13
Louis Steinert, Cigar Manufacturer -- page 81
Lovett, J.T. -- page 4
Lowell MA -- pages 21, 29, 65, 86, 95, 188, 191
Loyd, Sam -- page 140
Luba Cigars Corporation -- page 96
Lusk, E.M. -- page 16
Lutted's S.P. Cough Drops -- page 192
LV11, LV16, LV39 -- page 144
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -- pages 44, 93
Lynn, Jonathan -- page 18
Lynn MA -- Trade Card Mysteries, pages 93, 140,
M.C. Jones -- page 25M.H. Carroll -- page 68
M.J. Haskins -- page 83
McKinnon, Miss Ila -- Appendix 1
Mademoiselle Balch -- page 33
Maison Demorest -- pages 11, 33, 83, 102
Major & Knapp Engraving Manufacturing & Lithographic Co. pages 29, 171
Livermore, Frank Davenport -- page 163
Malt Bitters Company -- page 30
"(The) Man Who Changed the World..." -- page 90
Manly, Eleanor E. -- page 185
Mann Library -- page 137
Manchester Strawberry -- page 4
Manchester NJ -- page 4
maps -- page 162
page 53 |
Marion County AL -- page 12
Mark Blankfield -- page 12
Marshall, Edwin P. -- page 152
Marshfield MA -- page 152
Martin D. Fitzpatrick -- page 52
Mason & Hamlin -- page 82
Massey, Rose -- page 25
Mastone, Victor -- page 144
Materna, Amalie -- page 185
Matthew 6:33 -- page 164
Matthews, James A. -- page 72
Maude Branscombe -- page 153
Maud Drew -- page 49
Mayer, Merkel & Ottman -- pages 58, 117
McCandlish, John MacGregor -- page 91
McDonald & Co. -- page 62
McKeon & Todd -- page 163
McKinnon's Irish Pub -- page 185
McVeagh, I. Wayne -- page 90
Medford WI -- Appendix 1
Merchant's Gargling Oil -- page 131
mercury poisoning -- page 173
Meriden CT -- pages 13, 15, 53, 79, 152, 169
Merino underwear -- page 132
Merrick, H. & L.G. -- page 88
"(A) Merry Drive" -- page 7
metamorphic trade cards -- pages 160
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. -- page 91
Metropolitan Manufacturing (Washing Machine) Co. -- pages 14, 84
Middlefield CT -- pages 14, 84
Middletown NY -- page 32
Mikado -- page 166
Miles & Beard -- page 22
Miller, Frank and Sons -- pages 82, 114
Minneapolis MN -- page 88
Minnie Palmer -- page 25
Shaded links lead to sites outside of the Earl J. Arnold Advertising Card Collection.
Minot's Ledge Light -- page 144
minstrels -- page 49
Mishawaka IN -- Appendix 1
Miss Carrie Gilmore -- page 132
Miss Lester -- page 25
Mitchell, J.R. & Son -- pages 189, 191, 55, 95
"(A) Moment for Reading and Reflection" -- Appendix I
Monitor Oil Stove -- page 73
page 153 |
Monmouth Nursery -- page 4
Montague, Louise -- page 17
Montgomery, S.E. -- page 45
Montpelier VT -- page 113
Moore's Throat & Lung Lozenges -- pages 100, 128
Morgan & McDill -- page 14
Morristown, NY -- pages 93, 116
Morse, Dr. Charles, Jr. -- page 177
Morse, Elijah A. -- pages 74, 87
Morse Yellow Dock Root Syrup Company -- pages 28, 107, 177
Mother-Hubbard soap -- page 105
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -- page 185
Mrs. Avery's Lunch Room -- page 113
Mrs. C. A. Richards -- pages 20, 31, 70, 94, 126
Mrs. E. Gruelle -- page 128
Mrs. E.M. Smith -- page 151
Mrs. W. Bartholomew -- pages 17, 36
Mt. Vernon NY -- page 64
Mule Ear Fine Cut Tobacco -- page 22
Mundell, John, Jr. & Sr. -- page 48
Murray & Lanman Florida Water -- page 32
Murray, J.E. & Co. -- page 149
Murray, Nicholas, Rev. -- page 91
music -- pages 122, 167, 169, 185
musical instrument restoration -- page 13
Muzzy, A.J. & Co. -- pages 10, 15, 71
Muzzy Starch Co. -- page 104
My Partner -- page 37
Myers, D.D. page 56
Myers Tice & Co. -- page 56
NAACP -- page 145N.L. Birge & Son -- page 132
N.Y. 25 Ct. Store (The) -- page 52
page 63 |
name, value of -- page 134
Nashua NH -- page 54
National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors -- page 113
National Exchange Bank -- page 61
National Watch & Clock Museum -- page 31
Navesink Highlands NJ -- page 145
Neighborhood Gossip Dream Book -- Appendix 1
Neilson, Lilian Adelaide -- pages 17, 153
nervousness -- Appendix 1
Nestle's -- page 39
Nestle's Milk Food -- page 39
New Britain CT -- pages 22, 29, 38, 40, 46, 58, 78, 79, 82, 102, 105, 112, 129,
New England Boot & Shoe House -- page 104
New England Clothing Co. -- page 140
New Haven CT -- pages 2, 3, 15, 26, 28, 42, 50, 53, 61, 63, 81, 115, 116, 185, 187
New Home Sewing Machine Company -- pages 67, 112, 122, 184, 190
New Jewel, the -- page 80
New London CT -- pages 145, Eureka!
New London Harbor Light --page 145
New York Clothing House -- page 102
New York One-Price Clothing Co. -- pages 68, 178
page 162 |
Newark NJ -- pages 3, 6, 15, 25, 40, 72, 89, 111, 174, 184
Newark OH -- Appendix 1
Newburgh NY -- pages 25, 58
Newburgh - Beacon Ferry -- page 25
Niagara Starch Works -- page 69
Nichols' Bark & Iron (Victorian Fashion)
Nicoll, Alexander -- page 63
Nicoll the Tailor - pages 50, 63
Nilsson, Christina -- page 185
Bottle Collectors! great research on companies, events & news |
Norfolk Jubilee Singers - the original -- page 54
North Andover MA -- page 88
Northville NY -- pages 85, 162
Norton's Livery Feed and Sale Stables -- page 7
Norwalk CT -- page 186
Norwich CT -- page 106
notion department, notion jobber -- page 72
O.B. Ives -- pages 112, 114O.F. Heath --page 162
Ohio & Erie Canal -- page 65
Old Dog Tray -- page 15
Old Jed Prouty -- page 159
Old Main Artifacts -- page 86
Ole Zip Coon -- page 54
Olive Oil Soap -- page 2
Oliver Optic -- page 42
One Library Place [blog post]
Only a Farmer's Daughter -- page 100, 101, 134, 135
Orange MA -- pages 66, 67, 107, 112, 122, 184, 190
Oregon Pony -- page 93
organs -- pages 13, 169, 183, 187
Original Norfolk Jubilee Singers -- page 54
Oswego NY -- page 65
Otis, J. H. -- page 59
Otto Wettstein -- page 50
"Our Picture Book" -- page 29
Our Victorian Companions (Flickr)
overlay maps -- page 162
Ovington Brothers -- page 145
Ovington, Mary White -- page 145
Owl's Head Light -- page 144
Owl's Head ME -- page 144
This index is a living document, being created as you view it. It will change daily and sometimes more often than that as new parts of the Collection are indexed. Subscribe by email and keep up with the changes!
Click Page Number listing for Arnold Collection for specific pages.
P.S. Barber's Pure Soaps -- page 55
page 21 |
Palace Organs -- page 13
Palmer MA -- page 104
Palmer, Minnie - page 25
Palmer's Extra Cologne -- page 83
Panedia -- page 72
Paris, France -- pages 33
Parisian Flower Store -- page 180
Paret, John & Co. -- page 31
Parker's Ginger Tonic -- page 85
Parker's Hair Balsam -- pages 85, 107
patent medicine -- pages 35, 36
Patent Medicine Trade Cards (images only) -- page 93
Patience -- page 160
Patti, Adelina -- pages 153, 185
Pawtucket RI -- pages 3, 89
Peabody's Dry Goods Bazaar -- Emma Jane's Favorite Victorian Fashions Collection
Peachridge Glass -- pages 65, 81, 83
Pearline -- Best of, Victorian Companions
Peck & Walsh -- page 100
Penfield & West -- pages 13, 66, 67
Penfield, Charles L. -- page 51
Perego, Ira -- page 148
perfumes -- pages 37
Perry Davis & Son -- page 85
Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer -- page 85
page 93 |
Pharmaceutical Exibition at Saratoga, 1880 -- page 37
pharmacists -- pages 13
Phat Boy -- page 106
Philadelphia PA -- pages 10, 19, 48, 49, 81, 121, 172, 184, Remedy From Mica Lane, At Random (Appendix I), Appendix 1
Philip Grace Jr. -- page 80
Phillips, (var. Phillipps) Adelaide -- pages 152, 153
Phoenix Insurance Co. -- page 21
Photographer's Street View -- page v
pianos -- pages 168, 187, 192
Pierce, F.O. & Co. -- page 54
Pinkham, Lydia Estes -- pages 44, 93
Pitcher, Samuel -- page 76
Pitkin Brothers & Co. -- page 92
Pitkin, Charles A. -- page 92
Pittsburgh PA -- page 122
Pittsfield MA -- page 140
Plainville CT -- page 95
Play Games! -- page 137
Poison Control Centers, Am. Assn. of -- page 32
1 (800) 222-1222
Policeman's Day (A) -- page 5
Pond, Arthur H. -- page 96
Pond's Extract Co. -- page 126
Pope Manufacturing Co. -- page 45
Porter, I. -- page 193
Portland ME -- page 2
Potter's Spool Silk -- pages 138, 139
Poughkeepsie NY -- page 49
Powers Building -- page 68, [Photographers Street View]
Pozzini, J.A. -- page 158
prejudice -- page 175
Prescott ON -- page 160
Prior, James -- page 95
Prof. Horsford's Bread Preparation -- page 133
Providence RI -- pages 8, 14, 28, 56, 57, 66, 67, 85, 107, 129, 133, 146, 147, 150, 171, 177, 189, 194
Providence Tool Co. -- page 67
Puck Building -- page 58
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 -- pages 35, 36
purposeful gaming -- page 137
Putnam CT -- Eureka!
puzzle cards -- page 80
Quinn, John W. -- page 14
R. Dunlap & Co. -- page 186
R.C. Brown & Co. -- page 96
R.C. Browning -- page 84
R.P. Hall & Co. -- page 54
Racine WI -- page 86
racism -- pages 22, 54, 109, 122, 135, 175
page 121 |
Ray Hubble's Patent Ornamental Metal Corners -- page 85
Raynolds, C.T. -- page 109
Read, W.H. -- page 28
recipes -- Recipes of the Victorian Era, Appendix 1
also #Recipebookslideshows
recordings -- pages 187
Red Mill Falls (Rensselaer NY) -- page 5
Reid, William H. page 121
Reid's Seeds -- pages 83, 121
"Reliable Patterns" -- page 11
"Remedy From Mica Lane" (Victorian Fashion)
Remington Sewing Machine -- page 66
Renne, William -- page 140
Renne's Pain Killing Magic Oil -- page 140
Rensselear NY -- page 5
Repair Trade Cards -- Addenda 8
Resources for additional information -- the Basics
restoration & remodeling (Victorian Discoveries)
Retrieving Trade Cards from 19th Century Scrapbooks -- Addenda 8
Rev. Charles Caldwell McCabe -- page 100
revenue stamps (US) -- page 107
Reviving Memories: Brooksburg IN -- Photographersstreetview.com
rewards of merit -- page 186
Reynolds, William -- pages 12, 103
Rheumatic Victor -- page 106
Richards, Mrs. C. A. -- pages 20, 31, 70, 94, 126
Richardson, Brodie J. -- page 7
Rickard, B. J. -- page 182
page 175 |
Riggs & Arnold -- page 59
Riggs, H.H. -- page 59
Rising Sun (Rising Sun Stove Polish) -- pages 74, 75, 87
Robbins & Lawrence Armory -- page 119
Roberts & Arnold, Plumbers, page 166
Roberts, Mrs. Daisy -- Appendix 1
Roberts, Lee -- pages 154, 183
Robinson, H. C. & Co. -- page 37
Robinson, Solon -- page 84
Robson & Crane -- page 59
Rochelle IL -- page 50
Rochester NY -- pages 14, 16, 41, 56, 62, 68, 83, 121, 149
roller skating -- page 132
Roscher, L. -- page 64
Rose, E.M. -- page 8
Rose Massey -- page 25
Roselle, Amy -- page 17
Rosenberg, Nathan -- page 90
Rosenblatt, S. & Co. -- page 14
Ross, Betsy -- page 184
Rough on Rats -- pages 81, 175
Rough on Rats: Racism and Advertising in the late 19th Century -- page 175
Rowland, Nellie -- page 153
Royal Baking Powder Company -- page 72
Roze, Marie -- page 17
Rubinstein, Arthur -- page 185
Rumford Chemical Works -- pages 129, 150, 171, 194
Rutland Stove Lining -- page 178
Rutland VT -- page 178
S.D. Sollers & Co. - page 49
S.K. Montgomery -- page 45
S.M. Bixby & Co. -- page 42
S.R. Hart's Dry Goods and Grocery Store -- pages 73, 80, 97
S. Rosenblatt & Co. -- page 14
Sadler, K., artist -- EJ Arnold's Victorian Gardens
Salem, MA -- Emma Jane's Favorite Victorian Fashions
Salias & Merian's Fine Perfumes -- page 180
Samuel Rosenblatt & Co. -- page 14
San Francisco CA -- pages 29, 52
Sanderson Bros. & Co. -- pages 188, 189
Sandy Hook Lightship -- page 144
Sandy Hook NJ -- page 144
Sapolio -- pages 36, 69, 109
Saratoga Hammock -- page 117
Sarsaparilla, Hood's -- page 86
Sarsaparilla, Ayer's -- pages 29, 95
page 16 |
scissors -- page 156
Scotland -- page 174
scrapbooks & scrapbooking -- pages 45, 179, the basics
Searfoss, Mrs. Raymond -- Appendix 1
Seed Annual 1882 -- page 99
seed catalogs -- pages 83, 99, 121, 136, 137
Seiditine -- page 6
Seidlitz Powders -- page 6
series trade cards -- pages 5, 16
Dr. Seth Arnold Medical Corporation -- pages 26, 107
Seth W. Fowle & Son -- page 42
Seven Ages of Man -- page 19
sewing machines -- pages 45, 111, 178, 184, 190
Shadows on Summer Street -- page 50
Shananagins perform Ballad of Lydia Pinkham -- page 93
Sharon MA -- page 87
Shananigans: Ballad of Lydia Pinkham |
Shedd, Freeman -- page 191
Shober, Charles -- page 17
Shober and Carqueville Lithographing Co. -- page 17
shoes & shoe dealers -- pages 5, 49, 150, 156, 157, 171, 172, 174, 176, 181, 194
Shoninger, B. & Co. -- pages xvii, 116, 185, 187
Siddons, Mary Frances Scott -- page 17
Silk thread varieties -- Eureka!
Silver Thread -- page 14
Singer Sewing Machines -- pages 169, 190
Skelly, J. W. -- page 93
Sketches and Suggestions for House Painting -- page 54
Skibbe, Mrs. Albert -- Appendix 1
Skinner, H. R. -- page 61
Sleepy Tom -- page 93
sleigh party -- page 7
Smith & Anthony Stove Works -- page 80
Smith & Twichell -- page 13
Smith Brothers Pure Borax -- page 52
Smith, Franklin J. -- page 25
Smith, Mrs. E. M. -- page 151
page 52 |
Smith's Clinch Back Suspender -- page 84
Smorball -- page 137
Snyder, Dr. W.E. -- page 11
Soaking Cards -- Addenda 8
Soapine laundry soap -- pages 56, 57, 146, 147
soaps -- pages 2
Soldiers & Sailors Monument -- page 191
Sollers, H.D. & Co. -- page 49
Solon Palmer -- page 83
Somerville MA -- page 69
Soule, Maurillo S. -- page 96
South Glastonbury CT -- page 4
Souvenir History of the Town of Bristol Connecticut 1897
from the Victorian Arts Store...
Less than a dollar...
worth so much more!
from the Victorian Arts Store...
Less than a dollar...
worth so much more!
Springfield MA -- page 2
sprinkler systems, home
St. Joseph MO -- page 89
St Louis MO -- pages 75, 116, 158
stagecoach, making of -- page 7
Standard Boot & Shoe Co. -- page 122
Standard Sewing Machine -- page 190
Steel City Ukeleles -- page 175
steel engraving printing -- page 163
Steele & Emery -- pages 3, 28
Steil, Benn -- page 90
Steinert, Louis -- page 81
Stephen Engle Clock -- page 31
Stepping Stones Lighthouse -- page 144
stereotypes (race, gender, class, etc.) pages 3, 22, 28, 30, 40, 49, 54, 56, 74, 108, 109, 112, 121, 122, 135, 175
Stevens, H.R. -- page 39
page 179 #Victoriansinhats |
Stiffen Up! New Process Starch (& competitors) -- Appendix I
"Still Discovering" - Victorian Discoveries
Stoddard, H.H. -- page 193
stoves -- pages 153
Street, John Phillips -- page 36
Strong, Adam, horseshoer -- page 182
Stuart Robson and William H. Crane -- page 59
Sullivan, Jack -- pages 62, 74
summer activities -- page 161
"Sunshine for Little Children" -- page 10
Sunshine Publishing Co. -- page 10
➽Support the Arnold Collections!
Susquehanna River -- page 5
Syracuse NY -- page 151
T.B. Terry & Co. -- page 156
T.D. Cook -- page 128
T.F. Barbour & Co. -- pages 71, 95, 132
T.I. Gwillim -- pages 95, 115
T.R. Montgomery -- page 83
Taftville CT -- page 7
Talbot, Geo. F. -- page 140
tailors -- pages 163
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient -- page 115, 150
Taylor, A.H. -- page 168
Taylor & Young -- page 112
technological convergence -- page 90
Tefft, William H. -- page 80
Temperance Coffee Rooms -- page 11
Templeton MA -- pages 47, 75, 159, 178
Terry, William Almeron -- page 113
Terry's Art Gallery -- page 113
Thatcher & Striker -- page 47
This is the House that Jack Built -- pages 18, 30
This Little Piggy Went to Market -- page 113
Theodore Thomas -- page 185
Thermaline -- page 6
Thomas, Theodore -- page 185
Thomaston Clothiers -- page 14, 142, 143
Thomaston CT -- pages 25, 140, 142, 143, 168
Thomson, Ross -- page 90
Thomson's corsets -- pages 166, 184
Thorpe (W.W.) Boots and Shoes -- pages 21, 76, 95, 194
thread -- pages 157, 192
thread boxes -- page 72
Tice, J.H. -- page 56
Toadstool Millionaires -- page 35
Toledo OH -- pages 13, 156
Toll Gate puzzle card series -- page 80
topographic maps -- page 162
page 72 |
Toronto ONT Canada -- page 36
Travers Bros. -- page 117
Treatise on the Hair -- page 54
"Trial of a Horse Thief" -- page 193
Trix Breath Perfume (Trix Mfg. Co.) -- page 62
Troy NY -- page 89
Tuscarawas Street -- At Random (Appendix I)
Twin Lights at Navesink Highlands NJ -- page 145
Tyler, Jim -- page 13
Union Card Company -- page 113
Universal Clothes Wringer -- page 84
Universal Fashion Company -- pages 40, Appendix I
Untamed Science -- page 171
Upson, Charles Morris -- page 125
Upson, Frank W. -- page 114
Upson, Singleton & Co. -- page 125
Vaseline -- page 81
Vegetine -- page 39
verses (Bible) right side up -- page 160
Vick's Seeds -- page 149
Victorian Discoveries
victorian interiors -- pages 13, 50, Still Discovering!,
Victorians' Hairstyles on Flickr
Victorians in Hats on Flickr
from the Victorian Arts Store...
Less than a dollar...
worth so much more!
Virginius cigars -- page 56
W.A. Hoyt & Co. -- page 65
W.B. Dennis -- page 52
W.C. Winne & Co. -- page 89
W.E. Snyder, Dr. -- page 11
W.F. Brainard & Co. -- pages 3, 45, 59
page 62 |
W.H. Glenny & Co -- page 116
W.H. Read -- page 28
W.L. Hart -- page 62
W.T. Coleman & Co. -- page 52
W.W. Thorpe -- pages 21, 76, 95, 176, 194
Wagner, Richard -- page 185
Wakefield, Agnes -- page 159
Waller & McSorley -- page 166
Waller, Thomas MacDonald, Gov. -- page 152
Walpole Emery Mills -- page 32
Ward AR -- Appendix 1
Ward, John E. -- page 14
Warner Brothers Chemical Company -- page 17
Warner, Lucien Calvin -- page 17
Warrens Corners NY -- page 164
"Wash Day" -- page 16
Warsaw NY -- page 82
Washington DC -- page 12
Washington NJ -- page 3
Waterbury CT -- pages 7, 9, 15, 25, 43, 61, 62, 77, 87, 114, 125, 138, 139, 140, 188, 189
Waters, G.H. -- page 62
Watertown CT -- pages 67, 83, Eureka!
Watertown NY -- pages 53, 66
Watkins, George B. -- page 116
Watkins Glen NY -- page 5
Watkins Glen State Park -- page 5
Watson's Cloverleaf Tobacco -- page 131
Webber, Edward J.
Webber/Kinzler House
Weed Sewing Machine Co. -- pages 45, 90
Welch & Gray -- page 89
Weldon, Frank -- page 96
Wellesley MA
Wellman & Dwire -- pages 14, 15, 22
Wells, E.S. -- page 175
Wells, Richardson & Co. -- page 59
Wemple & Kronheim -- page 12
Wertheimer Brothers -- At Random (Appendix I)
Wesp, Lautz Bros. & Co. -- page 8
West Point NY -- page 5
Westerly RI -- page 55
Westfield MA -- pages 29, 178, 180
Westwood NJ -- page 32
Wettstein, Otto -- page 50
What are the Wild Waves Saying -- page 122
Wheat Bitters Company -- page 9
Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co. -- page 67
White & Porter -- page 155
White Leghorns -- page 92
White Prussian Soap -- page 2
White Sewing Machine Co. -- pages 21, 36, 47, 62, 75, 110, 159, 178
White Star Line -- page 89
White Swan Soap -- page 56
Whitehouse, J.O. -- page 49
Who's in your parlor? See page 185 |
Whiting, John L. & Sons -- page 135
Wightman, C. H. -- page 88
Wilcox & White -- pages 15, 169
William H. Harris -- pages 14, 20, 94
Williams & Carleton -- page 187
Williams, D. W. & Co. -- page 18
Williams, J. B. Co. -- page 18
Williams Bros. Mfg. Co. -- page 18
Williams Granulated Soap -- page 18
Williams Root Beer -- page 187
Wilimantic CT (Town of Windham CT) -- pages 79, 157, 192
Willimantic Linen Company (later, American Thread Co.) -- page 157
Willimantic Thread Co. -- pages 79, 192 Winch Brothers Company -- pages 3, 28, 42
Windom, William -- page 90
Windsor Manufacturing Co. -- page 119
Windsor VT -- page 119
Winsted CT -- pages 138, 139
Winsted Silk Company -- pages 138, 139
Winterset IA -- page 14
page 187 |
Wm. A. Dwight -- pages 112, 129
Wm. H. Abel & Co. -- page 54
Wm. H. Bulkeley -- page 102
Wm. H. Hinds -- page 189
Wm. H. Judd -- page 112
Wm. Reynolds -- pages 12, 103
Wolslayer, J. Oscar -- page 42
Wood, G. H. & Co. -- page 42
Woodbury NJ -- page 173
Woodward, E.P., M.D. -- page 102
Woolrich & Co. -- page 104
Woonsocket RI -- pages 26, 63
Wooster OH -- page 136
Worcester, MA -- pages 13, 132
World of Horses -- page 182
World's Dispensary Medical Association -- Appendix 1
"(The) World's Greatest Sleigh Party" -- page 7
Wright, Elizur -- page 91
Yellow Dock Root Syrup Company -- pages 127, 133, 177
Youths Companion (The) -- pages 124, 125
Yund's Furniture Depot -- page 173
Z.D. Gilman's Drug Store -- page 12
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from the Victorian Arts Store...
Less than a dollar...
worth so much more!
from the Victorian Arts Store...
Less than a dollar...
worth so much more!
You'll "catch my ear"
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