updated 2 November 2015
Alexander Nicoll was known as "Nicoll the Tailor" |
139-151 Bowery in NYC is the complex of buildings below. It's not clear to me if Nicoll the Tailor occupied all or just one of these buildings. Most cities have renumbered buildings in the last century so that one cannot be positively sure of some addresses.
Google Street View, Sept. 2014 |
(Google Street View, Oct 2014) |
Apparently Nicoll the Tailor was not a local shop, but rather a chain of shops nationwide. Either that, or Alexander Nicoll did a lot of travelling. Here's a contemporary account from Google Books:
Excelsior was an early model trademarked by the Bailey Washing and Wringing Machine Company, which later became the American Wringer Company. (Google Books)
From Woonsocket: My Hometown on the Web we get this brief sketch of corporate history:
From Google Patents [some, but not all errors introduced by the Optical Character Recognition scanning of the original document have been corrected]:
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 23,436, dated April 5, 1859; Reissue No. 1,710, dated J une 28, 1864.,
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that S. A. BAILEY, of New London, in the county ot' New London and State of Connecticut, did invent certain new and useful Improvements in Machines for wringing Clothes; and we do hereby declare that the following is a tull, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to the letters of reference marked thereon.
Figure l is an end view of the machine with one end removed. Fig. 2 is a side view. Fig. 3 is a perspective of one-half of the wooden spring. Fig. 4 is a longitudinal section of one of the rollers.
In the figures. A represents the box, which is rectangular. From the sides of said box are erected two perpendicular supports, B B, said supports being constructed with a rectangular slot or groove through them, in which the iournal-bearings h h are allowed to move up and down freely.- C C represent two cylinders, through which pass the shafts E E, said shafts having their bearings in the journalboxes .h h. The cylinder C is seen in section in Fig. 4.
a a represent a cylindrical wooden spring piece which passes over the shaft E. This piece is divided transversely at its center, as is shown, and its two sections are provided with a conical bore, the bases of the cones being placed together. These conical holes extend to almost the outward ends of the piece a, are slotted from their place of division toward their outer ends, as from X to X'. In Fig. 3, c c c are the slats formed by thus slotting those pieces. These holes are muchA thicker at X' than they are at X, and the consequence is that when the piece a is placed or slipped over the shaft E it will act as a spring, which yields at its center, but does not at its ends. d d represent a cylindrical piece of india-rubber which passes over the wooden springpiece en l) D represent gear-wheels, which are se cured on the shaft E. These gear-wheels are beveled on their sides which are presented to the piece af, and the outer ends of the piece a are also beveled to correspond with the4 bevel of the gear-wheels and tit in said gear-wheels, as is shown in Fig. 4.
lblocks placed upon the boxes F is a bar which rests above the journalboxes h h, tle ends of said bar bearing upon h h. A V shaped piece is cut out of the ends of the bar F, so that when the boxes h h bear heavily against its ends they will yield slightly'.
H H represent wedges which are placed over the bar F for the purpose of keeping it down and for pressing the cylinders tighter together. m m (seen in dotted line) is a guide for directing the clothes toward the center of the cylinders.
'In wringing clothes with the machine they are passed between the rollers c c by turning the handle S, the cylinders being close together, and a sufficient pressure is obtained for small articles. A corresponding pressure is obtained for large ones, as it requires much force to bear in the spring-slatse c c when articles of large bulk pass through.
We form by this method a springrol1er,by means of which we can obtain lnore pressing force at less cost than we can by any other mode.
We are aware that a patent has been granted to Mr. Alender for a machine which employs a roller which yields at its center, but we disclaim all such parts of his invention as may be found in this machine, confining ourselves to the device and arrangement above described.
Having thus fully described said invention, what we claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters latent, is-
1. The employment of the cylindrical wooden spring-piece a a., which is divided in two parts at its center, each part being slotted from the place of division, as shown in the drawings, toward As outer end, the same being covered by rubber cylinder, substantially in the manner and for the purpose specited.
2. The spring F, in combination with elastic rollers, for the purpose set forth.
Witnesses H. J. RAMSDELL, l). E. SOMES."
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